Senior Product Manager

Re-designed and developed a website for a local spa business

Sage Organics

April 2014 to July 2014

Problem statement

Client wanted the website for her small company updated and re-designed to make it more user-friendly and engaging.

Project description

My client is a licensed esthetician and massage therapist. I re-designed and developed a new website for her company, Sage Organics. I used my experience with HTML, CSS, Javascript/jQuery to improve the user experience of the website. I'm particularly proud of the services page, because I think the tabbed view is a more accessible way of organizing her menu of services.


  • Gathering requirements from client
  • Secondary research
  • HTML, CSS, Javascript/jQuery

Skills required

  • Working with a client
  • Gathering requirements for design
  • Visual design
  • HTML, CSS, Javascript/jQuery

Tools used

  • Sublime Text 2
  • Website hosting service
  • Pencil & paper

Project involvement

I re-designed the website and wrote all of the code in the development process.


I collaborated with the founder and CEO of the company to understand requirements for the website and the design. I also worked with the previous designer and developer for the website to transfer knowledge and foundational concepts for development.


A clean and updated website that I maintain and update per my client's needs.


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Do you have any questions about this project? Please send me a note and I'd be happy to discuss!