Senior Product Manager

Launched website

COIN by John Hancock

January 2017 to present

v2, released in Q4’18

v2, released in Q4’18

v1, released in Q2’18

v1, released in Q2’18

Product description

COIN is a new-to-market impact investing robo-advisor by John Hancock. On the left you’ll see v1 and v2 of the homepage. From the homepage, the user can learn more about the COIN product and navigate to the app from the major CTAs. v1 (bottom left) was a quick test to assess interest, start to test messaging and value proposition, and build a beta waitlist for potential COIN users. The page provides a brief overview of the key benefits of using COIN and sends users a welcome email once they've signed up for the waitlist. We iterated on v1 for a few months and released a new v2 with a brand refresh and new info in Q4’18. From v2, the user could also navigate directly to the app.

Process and approach

I maintained an appropriately prioritized backlog throughout the development of I worked with design, engineering, marketing, investment product, and other stakeholders on the team to understand scope, priority, and assumptions we were looking to test. was the first piece of user value in production for the COIN team. I supported the team in collaborating with John Hancock global partners and security teams to move our code into production for the first time.


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